Schmooze to Build Trust and Transparency for Negotiation
Treat people with dignity and respect at every level of the organization.
Turn foes into "friends with different opinions".
Schmoozing is a massive part of a leader's job.
It is about building thriving relationships.
Build relationships before troubles arise and crises erupt.
It is about removing suspicion and wariness and replacing with transparency and trust.
Schmooze early and often to smooth the way.
Have ongoing dialog with friend & foe alike at every opportunity.
Create candid dialog about values and goals.
Even when it is unpleasant or wildly inefficient.
Walk around rather than over-relying on emails.
Have coffee.
Get real - smile in person; let them hear your voice and mind.
Let people get real with you.
Show who you are, what you are about.
Expose your hopes, dreams and values.
Ask people to share about themselves.
Schmooze with your known adversaries eg Union, group of employees who hate the new strategy, resistors, perennial naysayers
Identify real differences.
Use transparency and trust to negotiate and narrow those differences.
Welch & Welch (2013)
Schmooze to Build Trust and Transparency for Negotiation
Treat people with dignity and respect at every level of the organization.
Turn foes into "friends with different opinions".
Schmoozing is a massive part of a leader's job.
It is about building thriving relationships.
Build relationships before troubles arise and crises erupt.
It is about removing suspicion and wariness and replacing with transparency and trust.
Schmooze early and often to smooth the way.
Have ongoing dialog with friend & foe alike at every opportunity.
Create candid dialog about values and goals.
Even when it is unpleasant or wildly inefficient.
Walk around rather than over-relying on emails.
Have coffee.
Get real - smile in person; let them hear your voice and mind.
Let people get real with you.
Show who you are, what you are about.
Expose your hopes, dreams and values.
Ask people to share about themselves.
Schmooze with your known adversaries eg Union, group of employees who hate the new strategy, resistors, perennial naysayers
Identify real differences.
Use transparency and trust to negotiate and narrow those differences.
Welch & Welch (2013)