Sunday, January 19, 2014

Soar past the six hurdles to great leadership

Beware the Six Deadly Sins of Leadership and steer clear of them, 1/19/14

This LinkedIn article by Jack & Suzy Welch showcases another example of what makes Jack Welch philosophy so unique. This is amazing stuff that I believe every individual, family, organization, state or country could benefit from.

Develop self confidence in people, listen to every voice, be the authentic you, differentiate for growth, ensure results come through right behaviors and celebrate every win.

1. Not giving self-confidence its due
Don't do this
Cower. Plod. Spread negativity with words and gestures.

Do this
Be bold. Try new things. Offer ideas. Exude Positive energy. Cooperate with colleagues.

It is the leader's first job to instill self-confidence in people.
To unleash creative power of individuals, remove doubt from within.
Make sure goals are challenging but achievable. Give effusive positive feedback.
Remind people what they do right.

2. Muzzling Voice

Don't do this
Blowhard with Over-talk.
Act like know-it-all.
Be deaf to new ideas

Do this
Be humble.
Listen to every voice.
Try new ideas - expand, debate and improve them.

3. Acting Phony

Don't Do this
Put on airs.
Pretend to be a persona you are not, while hiding the real self.
Put a wall between you and employees.
Be mysterious - motivate through fear.

Do this
Be authentic (without being immature or overly informal), real and human.
Show who you are in your soul - This is what makes people love you.
Communicate what kind of people you attract, what kind of performance you want frome everyone.
Visibly grapple with tough problems, sweat the details, laugh, care.
Engage people, make them feel & respond.
Connect. Inspire. Lead.

4. Lacking the guts to Differentiate

Reality is not all investment opportunities are created equal.
Reality is everyone does not perform the same tasks at the same level.
Face this reality. Do not sprinkle resources everywhere.
Differentiate! Weakness just doesn't cut it.

Don't do this
Be a weak manager - unwilling to deliver candid, rigorous performance reviews.
Give every employee a bland, mushy, "nice job".
Give star performers a little more than laggards.

Do this
Give talented people a chance to grow, succeed and thrive.
Go after promising growth opportunities with outsized infusions of cash and people.
Resource allocation process will offend some eg. manager of a weak business proposal, sponsor of dubious investment.
Get over it.

5. Fixation on Results at the expense of Values

Leaders deliver results - not just oratory and inspiration.
But the key is to deliver the right way, according to values.

Don't do this
Care about numbers, without caring about how the numbers came to be.

Do this
Ask for the right behaviors - live and breathe values.
Preserve a culture of integrity.
Take care of people properly.
Corporate policies - ensure they are obeyed in letter and spirit.
Let go of top performers if they are brutal to colleagues.
Do not promote a star who does not share his best ideas with the team.

6. Skipping the fun part
The fun part is also a leader's job.

Don't do this
Letting go of a great moment to celebrate.

Do this
Recognize Achievements. Grab as many as you can. Make a big deal out of them.
Celebrate a win. Throw a party. Make people happy and feel like winners.
Create an atmosphere of recognition and positive energy.
Get creative: Give tickets to Disney world - for employees and their families; Give each team member tickets to a show or a movie; Hand out to each member a new iPod.



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