Monday, April 2, 2012

Day1 - Off to a nice start

April 2, 2012

What a day it was.

Could not sleep in anticipation of the big day.
Stayed up and logged in at 1 AM to get the first glimpse of the outlines for the two courses I am taking - Business Ethics & Communication and Leadership in the 21st century. The course materials look great and finely tuned to the needs of the students.

Jack Welch's video started the day off with a sharp focus on values x numbers matrix. Instantly clarifies a framework to assess performance of team members fairly never losing sight of the corporate values and long term strategic goals.

Transformation 4:
Those in the organization who honor core values and achieve target numbers - go up and ahead
Those who don't honor core values and dont achieve numbers - get them out of the organization
Those who honor core values but dont have the numbers - work with them and give 2 or 3  chances
Those who don't honor core values but achieve target numbers - they are toxic to the culture though there is short term gain; pay attention and deal with them with appropriate action

This is solid wisdom to carry forward for the rest of my life.

Business Ethics & Communication:

Instructions were clear and spent much time getting to know the classmates and their diverse backgrounds. Students seem genuinely motivated to learn and share a keen interest in helping others learn. It is also clear there is a shared belief and goal - everyone is excited about and believe in the Jack Welch MBA program; we all wish to move forward to the top levels in our careers.

Ironically had a glitch with fonts that rendered my first posting appear less than desirable. As a scientist I need to hypothesize about the root cause - I suspect my cutting and pasting from my blog may have resulted in this malfunction. What I saw on my monitor was not how the blog finally appears when it uploaded.

Advanced reading of APA, Managerial Communication weeks ago helped greatly with balancing education with work and life. Was able to carry out my uncle duties to visiting family including my teen age nephew and niece. I was also able to stay on top of critical items at work. I am getting better at anticipation, advance planning and time management and this is a pleasing accomplishment today.

Leadership in 21st century:

I wish there was more interaction among students in this section and think clearer instructions about where to post the introductions could have helped. The course materials look great and get to the point astonishingly fast. The instructor appears keen on encouraging all students and guiding the learning forward.

Played basketball with Arjun, my little nephew. Watched NCAA final with family and saw Kentucky, the better executing team win. Fed banana to my 17 month old toddler and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer) Janavi. Helped my spouse with loading the dishwasher.

So there it is - work, life, education all in balance.
I am happy. It has been a great day.
Dr. DP

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