Thursday, March 8, 2012

Reasons for pursuing the Jack Welch MBA

March 31, 2012

Just about one more day to go before the Jack Welch MBA adventure begins.
Feeling butterflies in the stomach in anticipation of this 18 month marathon.

I know there are going to be times when between work and life I will be tested for stamina to find the energies to pursue my dream of a great MBA education at the intensity level I desire. I have always taken pride in knowing that I can handle intense workloads with creative time management and making good trade-offs and that I don't easily get tired - rather I get energized by passionate pursuit of such personal challenges. But I know there will be moments when I will need to look past obstacles and maintain an unwavering focus on the journey's goal.

Destination: CEO mind-set with leadership and management skills to run a global company

The Goal:
1. To understand the fundamental principles and underpinnings of business
by not only meeting the education criteria set by JWMI faculty but also by giving it my best effort
2. Advance my for-profit career by becoming a better leader with valuable business leadership skills added to my portfolio of deep technology leadership skills
3. To become a better world citizen who can contribute more effectively in sustaining my non-profit projects aimed at improving education and self-reliance in underserved communities

I believe this journey has significance not just for me but for many more lives I can eventually reach out to as a better educated and better equipped leader. Business forces are so powerful and fascinating in the way they shape people's lives around the world that I longed to get my basics in business straight. Daring to think bigger and ride the business wave is one of the most exciting things I have ever done. I am reminded of the magical moment in the film Avatar when the protagonist Jake Sully dramatically changes his life and tilts his battle's odds with a daring decision with this memorable quote: "sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move".

Thank you Jack Welch & JWMI faculty & staff for creating this wonderful opportunity.

drums roll...Rocky music start...action
Dr. DP


  1. Thank you for sharing your JMWI journey. It's truly an ocean of wealth and knowledge. Thank you for not keeping it to yourself. -- Carlito Cubilla (JWMI aspirant)

  2. Hi Carlito,
    Glad you are finding my blog to be useful for your own JWMI journey.

    To me, the MBA education is not just about reading case studies and pouring over books about leaders - they are all about the history of companies. It is about doing all of that and thinking about what you would do - uniquely - in future business situations as a leader. It is about making new connections for neurons in the brain. It is a very personal journey.

    My JWMI MBA education has been a transforming experience. I give this MBA program my highest recommendation. Go for it !

    best wishes,
    Dr DP
