Saturday, May 12, 2012

Interpersonal Conflict Analysis & Resolution

Leadership in the 21st Century, Week 6 Summary, 5/12/12
Jack Welch MBA Program

Another massive haul of leadership wisdom from this week's training.

The Konigsbrau case study and the learning from class discussions drove home the key points in ways I did not imagine. I can completely relate to the Wolfgang-Dmitri dynamic as it is so common at work. For the first time I am now equipped to handle a situation of this sort methodically.

Keeping perspective when in conflict, evolving a 9-dimensions framework to analyze sources of interpersonal conflict, using TKI conflict resolution models appropriately depending on situations are key take aways for me.

very impressive..Jack Welch MBA program rocks

Leadership in the 21st century, Week6 Summary

I. Keep perspective when in conflict
Let conflict teach you
Exploit conflict as a learning experience
The best way out of a conflict is through it
Work through conflict to reach the other side

II. Framework to Analyze & Resolve interpersonal conflict
Key Dimensions of Diversity that contribute to conflict
1. Core Values
2. Identity differences - backgrounds, education levels, culture
3. DiSC personality type - task focused (introversion) vs people oriented (extroversion); move decisively fast vs go carefully slow
4. EI level - self awareness, self regulation, achievement passion, empathy, social skills
5. TKI conflict resolution - differences in personal conflict management stype & preferred approach eg. collaborate vs compete vs avoid
6. Role incompatibility at work - inevitable; make conflict creative
7. Leadership style differences - Coercive, Pace setting, Authoritative, Affiliative, Democratic, Coaching
8. Age differences - could be a challenge especially when managing older employees in some cultures
9. Stressful environment - scarcity, uncertainty & rapid change lead to higher stress, anxiety & amplified conflict

III. TKI conflict resolution model
Collaborate - Assert & Cooperate; Win/Win; satisfies everyone fully; "equitable outcome for all"; for important complex problems requiring multiple viewpoints to learn
Compromise - Some Assertion & Some cooperation; partially satisfy everyone; "cut a deal and move on"; achieve middle ground in complex situation
Compete - Satisfy own concerns at Group's expense; Win/Lose; "my way at all cost"; for decisive action in crisis
Accomodate - satisfy others' concerns at own expense; Lose/Win; "everyone just get along"; to win by making peace
Avoid - Side step conflict; could be lose/lose; "Hope problem goes away"; avoid escalation, when there is no other chance for success

Different conflict resolution approaches useful in different situations
Conflict resolution Styles of team members combine to form the team's style of conflict resolution

IV. Managing conflict in organizations, Martin Davidson, University of Virgina Darden Business school, 2001
Managers' view - Laziness, lack of skill, motivation
Workers' view - uncooperative workers, insufficient supplies

Harsh & Agressive bad behavior does not mean Bad people
Intense emotional experiences, interpersonal confrontations can be triggered by identity conflict, role incompatibility, stressful environment

V. Wolfgang Keller at Konigsbrau-TAK(A), HBS case study
Recommendations to Wolfgang Keller
Grow broadly as a General Manager rather than doing all the day to day tasks and getting frustrated
- Embrace Jack Welch's 8 steps of leadership
- use right style of leadership depending on situation

To deal with Dmitri
- Seek to find common ground and increase trust
- clarify orgnaizational goals and get commitment
- candidly acknowledge mistakes and issues on both sides
- identify own areas for improvement
- set up weekly one-on-one meeting
- Ask Dmitri to Engage Management committee for superior & faster solutions
- learn to give and receive feedback; focus on issues and behaviors not attack people; rather than using an accusatory tone

Also consider
- Reorganize roles and responsibilities; play to people's strengths
- Get Dmitri to sign off on a Personal Business Commitment (PBC) to meet year end Konigsbrau targets
- Understand why hiring decision failed; why did an introvert get assigned to an extrovert's job ?
- Hire a new candidate
- As last resort, Let Dmitri go and find a job that offers a better fit for his introverted personality

VI. Chattanooga ice crean division HBS Case Study
Made further progress with Team C members to arrive at our Team's recommendations for the CEO Charlie Moore
Unfortunately and ironically the CEO himself may need to step down

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