Friday, January 24, 2014

Nine ways to motivate people to over-deliver at work


Nine ways to Motivate people to Over Deliver

The ideal situation is when employees invest their heart and soul into the job and over-deliver.
To achieve this monetary and non-monetary factors need to be addressed in a competitive market environment.

(1) Money
What is the Amount ?
What is it relative to Peers and other rainmakers ?

(2) Non-Monetary Factors
(2.1)Interesting work, Enjoyable coworkers
These are the basics, the no-brainers, the must haves:
Interesting work - people should feel a sense of fun
Enjoyable coworkers - competitive, upbeat, team players

(2.2) Recognition through Awards & Celebration
- Awards (raise the bar for everyone - money & plaques)
- Celebration (mark milestones, improve productivity, fun)
    surprise keg, tickets to a ball game, Disney world with families
    whatever turns their crank
    not just a forced march to an eatery

(2.3) Absolute clarity of what the great Mission is
Team must understand the exciting shared goal and buy into where it is going
What is the collective sense of purpose ?
What is the bold, inspirational creed ?
"There's the hill, let's take it together"

(2.4) Right Push Pull Balance
Balance Achievement with Challenge
People should feel like at the top of the mountain even as they are still climbing it
Pay individual attention to the challenge of each job

(3) Other Non Monetary Factors (based on US employee survey)
(3.1) Stability    - How stable is the company to weather market changes ?       
(3.2) Respect - Employee must feel that he or she matters to the organization; what he does in his 8 hours means something; Open appreciation
(3.3) Health Care coverage
(3.4) Work Life Balance

These are really insightful techniques from Jack & Suzy Welch. It is clear that a leader who gets this right will create a fantastic work environment that has an intrinsic competitive advantage.


Welch & Welch (2013)

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