Sunday, September 15, 2013

It's Done

Reflections from the finish line, 9/15/13

It's done.
Just got past the finish line of the JWMI EMBA marathon.

Completed six quarters of intense learning, typically with 18 hours a day of hard work to seamlessly manage work, family responsibilities and education. I have learned much from this grueling pace and the highlights flash past my mind.

It is possible to run a business without compromising on ethics. Effective communication is about engaging people with emotional intelligence.

Mission & Values, Candor, Differentiation, Voice & Dignity are the pillars of leadership. Great leadership begins with creation of a team of the best players. The team with the best players wins. You get the behavior you reward. Both numbers and values should be factored into performance appraisals.

Strategy is about defining the big a-ha that differentiates from competition in the market, placing right people in right positions to drive like hell and improving constantly with best practices.

Great people decisions matter more to the firm than giving great speeches.The five dysfunctions of teams are pitfalls to watch for. Hiring the right people is the hardest of things to do. Expect 50%-75% success rate only.

Marketing is not just about selling products and services but knowing how to help the customer solve their problems in a superior way. Think about the value chain from a customer's point of view and where the firm is positioned.

Sometimes it all boils down to managerial economics. Right sizing the firm can be a competitive advantage.

Financial metrics are the lifeblood of the organization. Dashboard with metrics must be watched daily to lead the organization forward. Negotiations with suppliers and customers with better terms can be beneficial for cash flow.

There is a method to excel in operations management excellence. Six Sigma, Work-Out and Lean are all part of the game.

Sometimes organizations that are well led can still get stuck due to changing market conditions. When this happens, a turn around is needed. Kotter's 8-steps and Jack Welch's crisis communication should be leveraged to steer the organization to safety.

When new business ventures are started from within the firm, it must be recognized that a growth market opportunity may be much harder than simply running an established business. The best people and adequate resources should be assigned to the new venture. Entrepreneurship is about constantly coming up with new ideas to pursue, trying them out and not getting disheartened when failure occurs. Having out-sized resilience, great victories can be achieved and the world can be changed for the better.

Having a CEO mind-set is about keeping a sharp eye on changes in the market place, reacting quickly to opportunities, managing crises maturely and never losing sight of the strategy to win. Ideally, every action in the firm must bring in revenue or reduce costs. The value of the MBA is in giving the top down view of an industry or a business and preparing the student to ask the right questions.


Sumi, my ever-present companion during this marathon, looks like a true partner, tired, having anchored the family responsibilities and given full support. I think Sumi owns 51% of this MBA degree.Without her kind disposition, this journey, a long held dream, would not have been possible.

Maanav, my one year old son, shakes his head joyfully from side to side in. This is a joyful moment we have longed for.

Janavi, my three year old daughter comes over to me and gives her trademark smile. "Won't you come play with me?", she says with her twinkling eyes and without a word.

More than ever before I see it more clearly now. Every moment of life is an opportunity to add beauty in every way, shape and form - at home, at work and with the community we live in. Great leadership education such as the one received at JWMI prepares me to do a far better job at this opportunity to serve.

may all beings of the world be happy.


  1. Congrats DP! Way to go. You persevered through a rigorous course, with a new baby to boot! All teh best to you and your family sir.
    Tim Madden (
